How it works
How to register for the Retailers' Area
To request account activation, go on the dropdown “Account” Menu to the top right hand of the page and click on "Register", and complete the registration form with your Name, Company Name, E-mail, Telephone and Password. Note that the VAT Number will be requested on the Shipping Address Module. The shipping address can be added by going to “My Account” at the end of the page, by going to “Modify your address book entries” or while you are placing the order.
Once you have done this, a member of our staff will apply the appropriate price list and activate your B2B Account. Account activation will be made during working hours. After activation you can use your account (login and password) to access wholesale prices reserved for partners of .
How to place an order
- Virtual shopping cart
Each time you find a product that interests you, indicate the quantity of your order, click on "Add to cart" to put the product into your virtual shopping cart, and proceed to make your order.
- Till and payment
To go to the till you must first access your cart by clicking “Checkout”, select method of payment and delivery, and then click on "Order". This will allow you to proceed with your payment:
- On the Checkout page you will see the following modules:
Address: on left of the page you will need to insert all the information relative to the invoice and delivery address including the VAT number, this field is very important for European countries customers as if the VAT number inserted is not correct the VAT will be charged, therefore, insert the VAT number with the country prefix for example: “DEXXXXXXXX” and select another field to let system check the validity of the VAT number, once the system says it is valid, fill all the other information.
Method: on the right on this page you will also see the shipping method and the payment method.
Coupon: if you have a coupon code you can insert it here and submit it.
Summary: check your details and the articles in your cart and click on "Confirm Order” to edit the quantity of the articles just edit the quantity in the “Shopping Cart module” and click “Update”, or if you need to make changes go back by choosing the categories on the top bar of the menu, do not worry everything in the cart will be saved.
Comments: Insert a comment with you order.
Confirm: you've completed your order; on this page you will find your order reference number and method of payment. At the end of your order you will receive a confirmation email.
Cost of delivery
1) Each time you add an article to your cart the cost of delivery will be automatically calculated based on the weight of the articles and shown on the screen.
2) If you prefer you can indicate the courier you wish to use by contacting our sales department.
How can I tell if my order has been received?
At the end of the order you will receive an email from Frasi di Huang Francesco. in which you will find all the details of your order. You can check the status of your order at any time by clicking on "Order History".
Can I have an invoice?
Yes of course, every sale is invoiced. You will receive the invoice with the delivery, or if you have chosen to pick up your order personally, your invoice will be given to you on delivery or emailed to you.